Monday, October 17, 2011

I'll Make a Man Out of You (Masculinity)

The media portrays men to be strong, aggressive, financially independent and heterosexual. It links masculinity to dominance, control and power. Tough Guise argues media offers an important perspective on social attitudes. It also argues that while the media is not the cause of violent behavior in men and boys, it does portray violence as a normal expression of masculinity.

Boys are exposed to masculinity in the media at a very young age. Disney movies, such as Hercules, Beauty and the Beast, Mulan and Lion King define what the ideal male should look like and how he should behave. Chiseled abs, barreled chest and massive arms are glorified in Disney movies. Masculinity of violence and dominance is very clear. The refusal of fighing is seen as pitiful. The end of Disney movies generally ends with a battle scene of two males fighting to win the female's heart or to maintain his current status. The relationship between the males and females in Disney films tell boys how real men should interact with females, which is men should view women as objects of pleasure or servants to please them.

"I couldn't care less what she'll wear or what she looks like - It all depends on what she cooks like." lyrics from Mulan

Another excellent scene from Mulan that displays masculinity is when Mulan is training to be ready for war:

Media cannot be soley blamed for boys and mens bad behavior, but I believe it is a factor. The way children are brought up is a huge determinate of how they behave. Parents need to take responsibility for their children's actions, rather than blaming it all on media.

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