Saturday, December 3, 2011

Final Wrap-Up

As the semester gets closer to an end, I realize how much I have learned from COMM 463. First of all, I learned how to blog. I hope my blogs were of value and met the requirements of the course while still offering originality. I use Facebook and Twitter daily, but have never actively blogged. I find it to be a great outlet to discuss and read topics of interest. I have enjoyed my experience blogging and plan to continue when I have the time. Secondly, I really enjoyed the documentaries we watched. Each offered a lot of information that helped me get a better understanding of the topics at hand. The discussions that followed helped us get a deeper understanding of how we personally interpreted the documentaries. I've also gained much more insight about two subjects in particular, pornography and video games. The mini research papers I wrote on these two subjects expanded my knowledge and allowed me to break away from my preconceived notions.

Photo: Women's movement/rights buttons.

The topics we went over were sensitive, but are important to talk about. I really enjoyed the time we spent on sexual orientation. The members that spoke on behalf of LGBTQ from Parkside gave many insightful experiences. They discussed the "It Gets Better Project" that is designed to be a support system for those that are coming out. I find this project very inspiring and admire all of those who have overcome their struggles and hardships to be true to themselves; and for those who are struggling with their sexual orientation should be proud of who they are and not be afraid to stand up for themselves and others in the LGBTQ.

Here is the link for the "Parkside's It Gets Better Project" for those that would like to watch it:

Also, here is the link for the "It Gets Better Project" website:

I haven't actively pursued being a public ally for those in the LGBTQ community, but I definitely have wide open arms to anyone that is in need to talk with someone. I looked around on the website and find myself more and more inspired by each video I watch. I'm sure it takes a lot of courage to publicly come out, especially on the World Wide Web. It just shows how strong and supportive the LGBTQ community is...very inspiring.

One of my favorite quotes comes to mind when discussing topics such as race, class, gender and sexual orientation....

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.”  - Dr. Seuss

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