Sunday, September 25, 2011

Individuality in Media? (Cultural Studies & Kellner's Multiperspectival Approach)

Many believe that media is the root cause for why we behave the way we do. When we are continuously exposed to advertisements, norms, standards, expectations, etc. I believe that does slowly persuade our decisions and way of thinking.

According to Kellner's Multiperspectival Approach, there are three factors that influence cultures and the way people within cultures perceive things and create ideas. In order to gain a better understanding of a culture it is important to look at it from the three perspectives: political economy, text analysis, and audience reception.

The Casey Anthony trial is today's OJ Simpson case, not only with the widespread media coverage but also the shock at the non-guilty verdict. This trial was talked about on Nancy Grace, Geraldo Rivera, Dateline, and 20/20. Nancy Grace coined the term "tot mom" for Anthony. The prosecutors had the public convinced Anthony was guilty for the death of her daughter, Caylee Anthony. The media coverage did a good job of airing Anthony as the drunk mom that didn't car about her daughters disappearance. Now, the problem is I don't see it as the media's fault that Casey Anthony's image was ruined. She was the one that was out partying while volunteers were searching for her daughter. Some may say that "it was her way of dealing with it." I do not believe this at all. She didn't even call in her daughters disappearance until 30 days after the fact. I could get into all the evidence they had against Anthony and how I am one of those that is completely and utterly shocked that she was found innocent. But...there are only 12 people that sat in the courtroom for hundreds of hours listening to the testimonials and there are only two people know what happened to poor Caylee and that is Caylee and her killer. It just makes me so sad that justice has not been served for this little girl.

It seems as though it is hard to find individuality in the media. A majority of shows cater to a particular segment, which offers similar plot lines as the others in that category. Also, the advertisements featured during commercials are very similar in order to compete with one another. Two commercials that stick out more than others are Target and Allstate. Both of these commercials are funny and can advertise a wide variety of individuals.

Currently Target is advertising for Christmas sales and has an overly excited woman that is an extreme shopper.

Allstate has their successful character "Mayhem" who pretends to be a disastrous event.

I can still remember Budweiser commercials when they used frogs that would slowly say "Bud" "Weis" "Er." These commercials were popular when I was about six years old.

 It's ads like these that will be successful and continue to gain valued customers.

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